Welcome to the book tour for Piper Robbin and the American Oz Maker by Warwick Gleeson. Today you’re going to get a small glimpse into the author as a person, as well as some advice about writing. You can also enjoy an excerpt from his book and then follow the tour to learn even more about him. And then enter the giveaway for a $50 Amazon/BN gift card!
Do you have any tattoos? Where? When did you get it/them? Where are they on your body?
“The Tattooed Soul” … that’s me.
Is your life anything like it was two years ago?
Pretty much identical. Still breathing, chewing, and facing west.
How long have you been writing?
Over 40 years.
What advice would you give a new writer just starting out?
Emulate Truman Capote. Study and apply the best craft and technique, and immerse within your chosen genre.
Tell us something about your newest release that is NOT in the blurb.
The sex in the novel is original and fantastical.

WORLD WAR OZ from coast to coast.
An adult fantasy that takes one of America’s favorite tales and transforms it into a dark and epic landscape few can escape much less understand. Imagine Potter meets Avengers in Emerald city and you’re getting close.
After a homicidal alien from Orion arrives on Earth intent on annihilating human life, the 21st century’s greatest sorcerers create a network of seven Oz-like city worlds designed to harbor the human race in a newly formed utopia while also protecting it from the alien entity. But the alien is far more magically powerful than anyone suspected. Piper Robbin, ancient daughter of the Earth’s greatest sorcerer inventor, Edison Godfellow, must sacrifice all to defeat the implacable force that calls itself “The Witch Queen of Oz,” and quickly, before Earth becomes only a cold cinder floating among the stars.
Read an excerpt:
Suddenly outside on the street, she stood facing in the direction of the Cambodian take-out, her entire nervous system tingling and parts shaking as if with Parkinson’s due to the abrupt teleportation against her will. The night fell black and splattered with garish light. She looked up to see the Wall Street corpse directly above her, and she swore he was staring down with an oafish mocking expression as if he knew something she did not. Then the ground quaked, and like balloons filled with molten glass, every window in her apartment building exploded. The shrieks of burning people next. How many she did not know, but she knew she must save them. Before Piper could act, a whip of turbulent energy uncoiled like a sun flare from her living room window eight stories above. She observed the Wall Street corpse nearby disintegrate into a memory of burning sparks. She immediately recognized the nature of the force—a Tao magical wavelength strong as a thunderstorm yet contained, compressed to a small vortex, and potent enough to kidnap half of Brooklyn.
Available on Amazon

Warwick Gleeson is a dedicated writer of screenplays, short stories, novels, and poetry. He has lived in both LA and NYC and worked many different jobs in his life, everything from roofer to waiter to small business owner to government analyst. He was the major writer, creator, and senior story editor for another project published by Del Sol Press called “War of the World Makers” that debuted in 2017. The novel has since won four national novel awards (two first place and two place) for SFF. Warwick is a big fan of great SFF television writing, like the kind you find in Emerald City, Gotham, The Expanse, and Umbrella Academy. He now lives in Tuscon, AZ, with a fat lazy cat and his most wonderful wife who is also a writer.
One randomly chosen winner via rafflecopter will win a $50 Amazon/BN.com gift card. Follow the tour for more chances to win!
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Thanks for hosting!
What is your favorite scene from the book?
Good question. I have a few. First, the meteoric rain of magical military onto Los Angeles, there to fight the forces of the Witch Queen. Second, the extended sex scene on the methane planet. Third, the fantastical creation of New Manhattan Oz.
Sounds like a great book.
Sounds like my kind of book!
Hope so! It was created of dreams and magic along with a healthy disdain for American government.
The world-building looks cool!
The book review website, Bookgasm, especially went bonkers over the world building. It’s extensive even though its foundation is 21st century Earth. So much changes, so many unique players, new forces and evolutions of magical technology.
The cover is absolutely beautiful!!
The cover was completed by a brilliant artist named Scott Richards after we knocked around some prototypes. I love it also.
Who is your favorite author currently writing?
I find China Mieville to be an interesting SFF stylist, relatively unique. I’m kind of a curmudgeon when it comes to other works, but I’ve always run a parallel literary and SFF track simultaneously.
Love the cover!