Welcome to the book tour for Lacey Goes to Tokyo by C.H. Lin! Take a deeper look into the book in this interview with the author. You can also get a sneak peek inside the book with an excerpt. Be sure to let the author know what you think in the comments, or ask her even more questions. Follow the tour for more information and more chances to enter the giveaway!
Describe your book in one sentence or fewer than 25 words.
A feminist version of Charlies Angels, but with more murder, and cursing that would not have been allowed on television.
What was the inspiration behind this book?
This book was inspired by a few things. The characters are inspired by my friends and family, the women I’ve been lucky enough to know, and the types of women I hope to meet in my life. The plot was inspired by my desire to change the world. I can’t do the kind of things Miss Belle and her girls can do. Mostly because of lack of funding, but I’m also a bit busy as a mom, author, and wife. I’m hoping the different stories I’m telling through Miss Belle’s Travel Guides open people’s minds to certain harsh realities of the world. With open minds, maybe things can change.
What kind of research did you have to do for it?
Oh, good lord, all the kinds of research. I’ve never been to Tokyo, or Thailand, so I depended highly on maps. The guns and other weapons used in the different scenes were all pretty specifically picked. To my discredit, I had a tendency of telling my husband what I was looking for and letting him give me a list of guns/knives/tech that would work. It was a lot faster than trying to find each one on my own. I utilized a plethora of friends and family who had more expertise than I. To my credit, I dove pretty far into learning about Tokyo. I have a full list of places to visit when I do finally get to explore that part of the world.
Which character was your favorite to write?
I love writing Miss Belle. I loved writing her in Lacey Goes to Tokyo, and I’m having just as much fun with the second and third books. The other characters are fun and challenging to be sure, but I relate the most to Miss Belle, so she comes the most naturally. While Lacey is the main character of this story, Miss Belle is the main character of the series. I look forward to continuing her journey from such a close perspective.
What was one of your favorite scenes?
My favorite scene with Lacey is when she is standing in front of the mirror analyzing herself. With so many books, movies, and stories I find that most women aren’t happy with their bodies. This definitely relates to real life, but if your entire job was to keep yourself fit, healthy, and strong, I like to think a woman would be pleased with what she sees. Lacey compares the difference between her teenage body, a body that was used and abused as no one should ever be, and her body now. She is stronger, thicker, darker, and happier. It’s a theme I’d like to continue in the series. Sure, there will be plenty of times when the women in my books experience body negativity, but I want there to be a sense of pride that the reader might be able to grab onto and feel for themselves as well.
Will we see these characters again?
Absolutely! I’m so happy to say that book two is almost done, books three and four are plotted out, and several more are lined up. Lacey isn’t the main gal in book two, but she will be back to visit, and possibly lead another adventure of her own, later on.
Who would be your dream narrator for the audio book version?
I don’t have anyone specific in mind. But I can say, it should be a woman, she must be able to do accents, and I’d be happy to hear suggestions!
What do you hope people will get out of your book?
Miss Belle’s Travel Guides are fun to read. They have wit, humor, sass, and some pretty darn awesome relationships. They also look at aspects of the world most people don’t chose to stare at directly. I hope some readers walk away with a stronger sense of empathy. I hope some walk away angry with the way the world currently works and a desire to change things. I hope some just enjoy the story. And I hope all walk away feeling like they need a friend like Missa, a mentor like Miss Belle, and the serenity in the face of danger that Lacey possesses.
What is your writing routine?
I have a one-and-a-half-year-old at home, so my routine on weekdays is a horrible mess. It’s basically, hope she sleeps for more than an hour so I can get the laundry and dishes done and still have time to write. On the weekends, it’s a bit different. Saturday mornings I get up early, pack up my stuff, and head to one of my three favorite local coffee shops. Armed with caffeine (decaf at the moment since I’m 6 months pregnant, but back to the good stuff soon), pastries, and sometimes a cupcake, I write as much as possible in a good two- or three-hour chunk. Sometimes I get far, writing out entire chapters. Sometimes I spent way too long staring at dog photos on Instagram, and I only get out a few hundred words. Either way, it’s more progress than my usual mornings! Sunday is the same routine unless we have something special planned, like a trip to the zoo or botanical gardens (both are favorites for the whole family). Lately it’s been way too cold for such outings, so Mama is getting plenty of time to write!
If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
I saw a really good one a long time ago that I’m going to steal. The ability to refill anything. Sounds basic, but if I’m using some sort of genie wish, I feel like the specifics are where it’s at. I could refill my coffee anytime. The same goes for my refrigerator, my gas tank, my phone battery. I could refill my bank account. Drained lakes and rivers, places where erosion have ruined the land, etc.
Of course, plenty of people will think that’s cheating in some way. “That’s like picking a ton of different powers.”
So, I’ll also say holding my breath forever. I’d love to go to Hawaii or somewhere with similar water temperatures, and dive beneath the surface for hours. I’m a woman with long red hair, of course I want to be a mermaid!
Is there anything else you would like to add?
I want to add a huge thank-you to Andi for hosting me, and to Goddess Fish Promotions for setting it up!

International travel means international danger.
Lacey Devaine is a four-year veteran of a spy ring which fronts as an exclusive escort service, Miss Belle’s Travel Guides. Maintaining her cover is Lacey’s number one priority to protect the integrity of the operation she works for.
While on assignment in Tokyo, a nosy newspaper reporter threatens to blow the lid off a scandal that will put dozens of innocent lives at risk. To protect her cover, Miss Belle is called in to act on intelligence Lacey has uncovered.
Can these beautiful, intelligent, and deadly women complete this assignment in time and emerge unscathed? Or will this mission be their last?
Read an excerpt:
I glance back now—discretion on my part is no longer necessary. The last few blocks pass uneventfully, and when I arrive at the steps to the Manor, I turn back around and smile as the man steps under a streetlight. “Officer McKinley.” I grin. “How lovely to see you. You didn’t follow me all the way from the gala, did you? Seems like an awful waste of taxpayer money.” McKinley glares. “It’s Detective.” I can’t help but chuckle, which only makes him more frustrated. “Oh, do come in, Detective.” He doesn’t like my tone, but of course, he follows me up the steps. Any offer of access to my home is one that this particular thorn in my side just can’t resist. He waits patiently as I knock rather than digging through the clutch for my keys. Marissa opens the door, a knowing smile playing across her lips. “Miss Belle, you’re home early.” She steps aside and gives me a peck on the cheek as I cross the threshold. “And Officer McKinley, lovely to see you again.” A surprised smile lights up her face, eyes widening to sell the effect. She, of course, is anything but surprised by our malevolent visitor; good communication pays off. “It’s Detective.” He glares again but follows me through the door and into the grand foyer.
(affiliate link included)

I was born and raised in a small town in Northern California. Growing up in a college town meant I experienced a wide variety of people and opinions. I like to think my stories reflect the vast differences in the people I’ve met. I love to travel. I want to explore the world around me while writing about the worlds in my mind.
I grew up with a steady diet of wonderful stories set in amazing worlds. I’ve read almost every series Tamora Pierce has written, and I am a crazy fan of the Hunger Games series. My nerdiness also encompasses the Harry Potter series, LOTR, and (to an extent) the worlds of superheros. Though, my husband is really head of DC knowledge in the household. He is also the most amazing source of support I could hope for.
I’m 26 now. My daughter just turned one. She is already so smart, curious, and beautiful. I want the female characters in my writing to be inspiring, not just for her, but for all the little girls who grow up reading.
C.H. Lyn will be awarding a $10 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Thanks for hosting!
Thank you for setting it all up!!
Thank you so much for having me! It’s an honor to be on your blog. I had a lot of fun answering the interview questions, even the ones that made me think for more than a few minutes! Haha.
LOL I like to make people think! 😀
Hello! Thanks so much for sharing your book with us. Always fun reading about another book to enjoy.
Thank you for looking into it! I hope you get a chance to check it out!