The Jade Hunters is the latest romantic suspense by author AB Michaels. Today she is giving us a lot of background into this story and her as a writer. Plus find out what she would do if she ever won the lottery. There’s also an excerpt for you to enjoy! Please feel free to leave her additional questions in the comments section and then follow the tour for even more interviews and guest posts! And there’s a great giveaway to enter!

Describe your book in one sentence or fewer than 25 words.
Two artists in search of missing jewels are caught up in an international quest for justice and a centuries-old obsession that leads to multiple murders.
What was the inspiration behind this book?
I have edited a series of non-fiction books about gems and jewelry and wanted to share some of the fascinating lore I’ve learned. I’ve also had the two main characters in mind since I introduced them in Sinner’s Grove, the first book in the series.
What kind of research did you have to do for it?
The plot involves various aspects of Chinese history, both ancient and modern, as well as details pertaining to jade properties and diamond cutting. I also learned about the Deep Web from my son the computer expert!
What was one of your favorite scenes?
I loved writing the scene where Walker, the photographer, has to keep his lust in check as he takes nude photographs of Reggie. As you can imagine, there’s a lot of tension between the two of them!
What do you hope people will get out of your book?
As always, I aim to deliver a fast-paced, entertaining story that readers look forward to getting back to and are sorry when it ends. In addition, I hope readers can relate to the problems several of the characters face, from dealing with a surly teenager, to facing one’s phobias, to taking a stand about something when it would be easier just to do nothing.
How do you make yourself stand out in this genre?
It’s tough because there’s a lot of competition. But my books (aside from being well written 😊) offer a larger underlying story that not only transcends time but genre. Each novel is a stand-alone read, but the characters in my contemporary series are descendants of characters from my historical series, so I make connections between the stories as much as possible.
Tell us about your other published works.
My historical series, The Golden City, offers five novels (so far) that take place during America’s Gilded Age, which was the latter part of the nineteenth century up to World War I. It was a fascinating time, when science, medicine, technology and culture started changing at an incredibly fast pace. The books include some really interesting historical material, but it never bogs down the plot. At the heart of each novel is the story of individuals who struggle to find their way in such a world; because my work transcends genres, readers of my contemporary novels learn about many of those historical characters.
What is your favorite part about writing?
I am constantly amazed and filled with joy that, over time, and after many (many) hours of work, I can create a novel that is truly enjoyable to read (at least according to my readers!). Above all else, I’m a storyteller, so to see it all come together in something tangible that will exist in the universe and bring pleasure to others, is miraculous to me.
When not writing, what can we find you doing?
Oh, I have so many interests that cut into my writing time! I love to read, and create quilts, and every summer I play in a bocce league (we are currently battling for first place!). Then there’s golf—a game I suck at, but really enjoy because most courses are beautiful in their own way. This summer my husband and I also bought an inflatable tandem kayak. I’m too chicken to use it on rapids (which we have plenty of here in Idaho), but I do love kayaking on lakes and slow-moving rivers. And, boy do I love to travel: we go to Europe almost every year, but have also traveled to more “exotic” places like Peru, China, Tibet and Cambodia. I wish I could chalk it all up to research, but it’s so much fun that I rarely get any work done while I’m on the road.
What would you do if you won the lottery?
I’ve thought about this question a lot (and I don’t even buy lottery tickets!). I don’t need any more “stuff.” I love my home and where I live, and I’m already so lucky that I can afford to do the things I want to do. So, I think I would use the proceeds to develop or support a program that helps young people learn more about our country and what an incredible place it is, warts and all. Oh, and if I could purchase a few bottles of brew from the Fountain of Youth, that wouldn’t be bad, either!
The Jade Hunters

Award-winning jewelry designer Regina Firestone is proud to exhibit her famous grandmother’s multi-million dollar “bauble” collection at the grand re-opening of The Grove Center for American Art, known among the locals as “Sinner’s Grove.”
The fact that she’s considering modeling the jewels in the nude like her grandmother did infuriates photographer Walker Banks, a co-owner of The Grove who’s in charge of the exhibit. Neither is willing to admit the real reason for the sparks between them.
Their argument takes a back seat when Reggie discovers that one of the most compelling pieces in the collection is not at all what it seems. Tracking down the truth will take the couple into the dark heart of a quest that’s lasted more than a century, one in which destroying human lives—including Reggie’s and Walker’s—means nothing in the pursuit of a twisted sense of justice.
The Jade Hunters is Book Three of Michaels’ contemporary series, “Sinner’s Grove Suspense.” The series follows the descendants of characters introduced in Michaels’ historical fiction series, “The Golden City.”
Read an excerpt:
“The Pursuit” By the time he made it to the room, Regina was standing at the opening of what looked like a submarine hatch. Of course. They were near the water. She was catching her breath and waiting for him. “Come on,” she said. “She’s getting away.” “Where does that lead?” “To a cave,” she said. “It’s got to be an exit; otherwise they would have boarded it up.” She held out her hand. “Please, we can’t lose her. Let’s go.” “I can’t,” he said. “You can. Come on. We’re losing time!” The panic that was never far away at times like this reared its ugly head. “I can’t do it. I told you I can’t handle small spaces. I can’t ...” Regina placed her hands firmly on the sides of his face as she looked deep within him. “This is not a long cave; it can’t be, because it’s very close to the water and is subject to the tides.” She pointed to the other side of the hatch. “You can see the tide is coming in. We must go and I need your help. You have always been there for me and I know you’ll be there for me now. Just as I’m going to be there for you, every step of the way. I will not let you go, I promise.” Walker stared at Regina’s beautiful, earnest face. It had all come down to this. It was too important for her to stop, and too dangerous to let her go on her own. She needed him, and he wasn’t going to let a crippling phobia stand in his way.

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About AB Michaels

A native of California, A.B. Michaels holds masters’ degrees in history (UCLA) and broadcasting (San Francisco State University). After working for many years as a promotional writer and editor, she turned to writing fiction, which is the hardest thing she’s ever done besides raise two boys. She lives with her husband and two spoiled dogs in in Boise, Idaho, where she is often distracted by kayaking, playing bocce, and trying to hit a golf ball more than fifty yards. Reading and travel figure into the mix, leading her to hope that sometime soon, someone invents a 25+ hour day. Her historical fiction series, “The Golden City,” explores America’s Gilded Age and its effect on characters, both actual and fictional, while her contemporary series, “Sinner’s Grove Suspense,” follows descendants of The Golden City as they navigate today’s equally treacherous waters. She is currently expanding both series.
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A.B. Michael will be awarding a $30 Amazon/BN gift card to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Sounds like a good book.
I think you’ll like it!
Thank you for hosting
Thanks so much for hosting my latest novel, The Jade Hunters!
Great post, I enjoyed reading it!
I encourage reading so having a family who loves to read I sure support.Thanks for sharing your terrific read with us.
Are any of the places in the book based off of real places that you visited?
Good luck with the release!