Welcome to the book tour for In the Penalty Box by Lynn Rush and Kelly Anne Blount from Entangled Teen! I really enjoyed this book and reviewed it over at Andi’s Young Adult Books. Check out the rest of the tour for some other people’s thoughts, interviews, and more!
The Cutting Edge meets Friday Night Lights in a sizzling new hockey romance from bestselling authors Kelly Anne Blount and Lynn Rush!
In the Penalty Box
by Lynn Rush and Kelly Anne Blount
Genre: YA Contemporary
Release Date: January 5, 2021
Entangled Teen!
Figure skating was supposed to be my whole world. But one unlucky injury and now I’m down…but I’m definitely not out. I just need to rehab—a boatload of rehab—and who’d have thought I could do it on the boys’ hockey team? Of course, the infuriatingly hot captain of the team seems to think I’m nothing but sequins and twirls. What’s a girl to do but put him in his place? Game on.
Hockey is my whole world. I’ve worked my tail off getting my team in a position to win the championships—hopefully in front of major college scouts, too—so what’s a guy to do when a figure skater ends up as our new goalie? Of course, the distractingly sexy skater thinks I’m nothing but a testosterone-laced competitive streak. And surely she’s only biding her time to heal, then she’s gone. Game over.
Buy Links:
Universal Buy Link: https://bit.ly/InThePenaltyBoxUniversal
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Penalty-Box-Lynn-Rush-ebook/dp/B0879HJ7MV
B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/in-the-penalty-box-lynn-rush/1136846457
iTunes: https://books.apple.com/us/book/in-the-penalty-box/id1509039516
Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/in-the-penalty-box-1
Indigo: https://www.chapters.indigo.ca/en-ca/books/in-the-penalty-box/9781682815830
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=GdDdDwAAQBAJ
Thalia: https://www.thalia.de/shop/home/artikeldetails/ID148113900.html
bol.de: https://www.bol.de/shop/home/artikeldetails/ID148073150.html
Angus & Robertson: https://www.angusrobertson.com.au/ebooks/in-the-penalty-box-lynn-rush-kelly-anne-blount/p/9781682815830
Mondadori: https://books.mondadoristore.it/In-the-Penalty-Box-Kelly-Anne-Blount-Lynn-Rush/eae978168281583/
About the Authors:

Lynn Rush: New York Times & USA Today Bestselling Author, Lynn Rush, is a full-time writer, wife, and trail runner living in the Sonoran Desert, despite her fear of rattle snakes. Known as #TheRunningWriter, Lynn can’t resist posting epic sunrise pictures while running in the desert with her trail sisters, even if she has to occasionally hop a scorpion.
When she’s not running or writing, she’s watching movies that fuel her everlasting love of superheroes, vampires, and all things Supernatural. The books she reads usually carry the same theme, but this former college athlete loves reading sweet sports romances as well.
She’s madly in love with her Ironman husband of 20+ years who is the inspiration for what true love is. You can find her on social media as @LynnRushWrites and her website is: www.lynnrush.com
Website: www.lynnrush.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LynnRushWrites
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/lynnrush
Kelly Anne Blount: USA Today Bestselling author and Wattpad Star Kelly Anne Blount has more than seventy-three-thousand followers on social media. Her Wattpad stories have been read more than twenty-million times. She’s contributed to Tap, Wattpad’s new app for chat-style stories, where her work has been “tapped” more than fifty-million times. She is a writer and reviewer for SpoilerTV, which has allowed her to develop an incredible network of film and TV stars.
Two of her Wattpad works, including Captured (seventeen-million reads), have been optioned for film by Komixx Entertainment, and she is regularly invited to present seminars about social media at author events.
Stop by any of Kelly’s social-media platforms (@KellyAnneBlount) and stay tuned to this website for announcements and information about upcoming releases and events.
Kelly Anne Blount is represented by Jennifer Wills (jennifer@theseymouragency.com) and Nicole Resciniti (nicole@theseymouragency.com) of The Seymour Agency.
Website: http://www.KellyAnneBlount.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KellyAnneBlount
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/kellyanneblount
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