The name alone for this one is drawing me in, because I do love my avocado toast! And Nancy Fraser is popular for serving up some delicious romance stories. Check out an excerpt from Avocado Toast, first installment of the new multi-author Orchard Brides series and then follow the tour for more! Best of luck in the giveaway!
Continue reading “#BookBlast Avocado Toast by Nancy Fraser”Author: andi
#BookBlast Fall of Jake Hennessey by PJ MacLayne
Find out what happens when a jewel thief gets bored and decides to embark on a different version of his career, biting off more than he can chew! Read an excerpt from the suspense thriller Fall of Jake Hennessey by PJ MacLayne and then follow the tour for more! Be sure to also check out the great giveaway!
Continue reading “#BookBlast Fall of Jake Hennessey by PJ MacLayne”#DailyAffirmation April 1
$640 RV Shellbot Robot Vacuum And Mop Cleaner #Giveaway Ends 4/27
Have you yet discovered the magic of the robot floor cleaners? Several of my friends have them and I think they are pretty cool! And this one also has a mopping setting. What?! Gotta love a set it and forget it. Check out this one from Shellbot and then enter to win one for yourself! Best of luck to you!
Continue reading “$640 RV Shellbot Robot Vacuum And Mop Cleaner #Giveaway Ends 4/27”
Mother’s Day $75 #Giveaway Ends 5/8 @goldengoosegiveaways @goosegiveaways
What would you do with an extra $75? I know you can think of a bunch of things that are super productive, but I mean something special that’s just for you! One lucky winner is going to win a choice of a $75 Amazon gift card or $75 on PayPal to spend however she wishes. I know I have some ideas in mind! Best of luck to all who enter! Continue reading “Mother’s Day $75 #Giveaway Ends 5/8 @goldengoosegiveaways @goosegiveaways”