Win $300 in Gift Cards with Dropprice! #Giveaway ends 5/9

Savvy moms are saving money by using the Dropprice app. You can find out how to also save money on everything you are buying anyway. And in the meantime, you can also save money if you happen to win these $300 in gift cards! You have three chances to win $100 from Amazon, Target, and/or Walmart. Happy shopping and saving and best of luck to you in the giveaway!


$300 In Gift Cards

Welcome to the Dropprice Win $300 In Gift Cards!

Dropprice is an innovative startup that rewards moms for being social. Essentially, they empower moms to drop prices of kids & baby products with a click. The price continues dropping as more moms click “Drop the price”. Every week new promotions are launched and moms drop prices by sharing them on social media. See the chart below to understand the power moms have and how important it is to share with other moms.

In today’s promotion for the Chewable Necklace, it started out at $34.00 and for each mom that clicks, the price drops a bit. The price will continue to drop for each mom that participates.

You can choose to share on social media to get more moms to click “Drop the price”, or you can “Buy Now” at the current price. Keep in mind that when the price gets low, they usually sell out and you will no longer have the chance to buy that item. As an added bonus every item on Dropprice ships for free!

Do you want to give it a try? This is such a fun and exciting way for moms to save lots of money by collaborating with each other. If you would like to have a chance to win a $100 Amazon gift card, you can experience dropping the price by following the instructions below.

Giveaway: Win a $100 Amazon Gift Card

All you have to do is help moms drop the price of the Necklace and you will be entered to win a $100 Amazon gift card. Just click “Drop the price” on the entry form below for a chance to win. For even more entries, share it on your social media networks via the entry form — every time one of your friends also clicks to drop the price, you’ll automatically receive additional giveaway entries!

This giveaway ends on 5/9/2017; you must be a US Resident and be 18 years or older to enter. Winners are randomly selected and contacted via email; the winners will be listed at the top of the entry form when the giveaway ends.

Click here if you don’t see the entry form below.

Terms & Conditions | Powered by Dropprice



Giveaway: Win a $100 Target Gift Card

This giveaway ends on 5/9/2017; you must be a US Resident and be 18 years or older to enter. Winners are randomly selected and contacted via email; the winners will be listed at the top of the entry form when the giveaway ends



Giveaway: Win a $100 Walmart Gift Card

This giveaway ends on 5/9/2017; you must be a US Resident and be 18 years or older to enter. Winners are randomly selected and contacted via email; the winners will be listed at the top of the entry form when the giveaway ends





PeachSkinSheets #Giveaway Ends 5/3 #SMGN

Are you like me and start dreaming of being back in bed even before you have gotten up for the day? I mean, once I get up and moving (and drink my coffee) I am usually good to go for the day, but I do love my comfy bed. Warm fluffy blankets and comfortable sheets make a world of difference. So now you can check out these highly recommended sheets and win your own set for your own piece of bedtime paradise. Keep on reading for the review and how to enter the giveaway. Best of luck to you!

PeachSkinsSheets Giveaway! 1 Lucky Winner ~ Ends 5/03 @SMGurusNetwork @PeachSkinSheets

Welcome to the PeachSkinSheets Giveaway!

1 winner – any color or size of the best sheets ever!

This contest is hosted by the Social Media Gurus Network!

Below is a list of all the bloggers involved in the gift guide.

Michigan Saving and More

Deliciously Savvy

Tales From A Southern Mom

Heartbeats ~ Soul Stains

Welcome To My Kitchen

Life in a House of Testosterone

Here We Go Again ready

My Silly Little Gang

Giveaway Gator

Everyday Gizmos Sweeps & Views


PaulaMS’ Giveaways, Reviews, & Freebies

Central Bargains and Giveaways

The Mommies Reviews

Eclectic Evelyn


Now let’s get to the sponsor!


1 Lucky Winner Will Win a Set Of Sheets From PeachSkinSheets! Any Color and Size.

See My Review Here!



This giveaway is in no way endorsed, affiliated, or associated with Facebook, Twitter or any other Social Media Networking Site.You are not eligible if you have won a prize from the sponsor in the last 12 month. This Giveaway is valid in the United States Only and Entrants must be 18+ years of age to enter. This giveaway event will end at 11:59 PM (EST) 5/03/17. The winner will have 48 hours to email their information back to mcushing7 at hotmail dot com or a new winner will be drawn, you may want to put this email address as safe as it could go to spam. The sponsors are each responsible for shipping of the above prizes. No blog associated with this contests are responsible for prize fulfillment. If you would like to be a sponsor in a giveaway like this please email Melissa Cushing at mcushing7 (at)hotmail (dot) com. If you take an entry you must stay following for the entire contest or you will be disqualified.

Also we all “love it if you like us” on Facebook! If you like our blogs on social media it helps us bring you only the best giveaways and more of them!

Enter below and Good Luck!


Little Adventures $50 #GC #Giveaway Ends 4/15

When I was a kid, I loved to play dress-up in my friends’ basements. A couple of them had a treasure trove of costumes for us to play with. A lot of my friends’ kids continue to enjoy the shenanigans today. So here is a great way to inspire that creativity in your young ones to be whomever they dream of being!

Sponsored By: Little Adventures

Hosted By: Love, Mrs. Mommy

Winner Will Receive:

A $50 Gift Certificate to Little Adventures!

My daughter loves anything to do with princesses. She has a variety of dolls and loves switching out their dresses and playing with their castle. With her love of these characters and their beautiful costumes, I jumped at the chance to work with Little Adventures! Little Adventures is the master-mind of amazing, quality dress-up clothes that are going to make you and your little one melt into a big puddle of happiness. I know we did!

Little Adventures started out in 2002 as a mommy-duo (Jenny and Heather) and with their 15 kids between them! They were tired of the lack of clothing-quality dress-ups and princess costumes and decided to take matters into their own hands. They started sewing and sold their very own dress-ups at local craft fairs. During their first year in business, they sewed over 2,000 dresses in Jenny’s basement! With that, the Little Adventures brand was born!

Click here to read Love, Mrs. Mommy’s full Little Adventures review! 

Can’t wait to see if you won? 
Use promo code “lapromo-lmm” to save 15% off your order! 
Good through the month of April!

Open To US and must be 18+ to enter
Giveaway Dates ~ 3/30 12:01 AM EST through 4/15 11:59PM EST
Disclosure: Love, Mrs. Mommy and all participating bloggers are not held responsible for sponsors who do not fulfill their prize obligations. Love, Mrs. Mommy received Little Adventure products at no cost to facilitate the above-mentioned review. This giveaway is in no way endorsed or sponsored by Facebook or any other social media site. The winner will be randomly drawn by Giveaway Tools and will be notified by email. Winner has 48 hours to reply before a replacement winner will be drawn. If you would like to participate in an event like this please contact LoveMrsMommy (at) gmail (dot) com.

$150 Visa Gift Card #Giveaway Ends 4/21

All of us could use a little more money these days. A Visa Gift Card is great, because you can use it virtually anywhere. The possibilities are endless. You could pay some bills, fill up the gas tank for a day trip, treat your best friend or significant other to a special night out, or use it toward that special item you’ve had your eye on for a long time. I’m not even sure what I would want to do first. Maybe get a few more concert tickets for this summer? So many good shows are coming around here, but I digress…


Now you have the chance to start dreaming of what you would do with an extra $150 as you read on and enter this giveaway. What would you do with the money? Good luck entering!

Welcome to the $150 Visa Gift Card giveaway event!



This great group of bloggers have come together to bring one awesome giveaway prize, to one lucky winner! We are very happy to have a $150 Visa gift card up for grabs!

The Giveaway!
One lucky winner will receive a $150 Visa Gift Card.

Enter with the easy form, below:

The bloggers involved in this giveaway were not compensated, and are
not responsible for prize fulfillment. Lil’ Blog and More will be sending the
prize out. Must be 18 years of age or older to enter this giveaway.
This giveaway starts March 23, 2017, and will end on April 21, 2017 at
11:59 pm. The winner will be emailed, and have 48 hours to respond, or a
new winner will be chosen. Once a winner is drawn and confirmed, the
name will be announced on the GiveawayTools form. Open to Worldwide entries.

DropPrice $100 Target Gift Card #Giveaway Ends 4/4

Moms are often hanging out on social media, and now you can save money for doing so! Have you checked out Dropprice yet? The more you share the product, the lower the price drops, thus saving you and all of your friends money. As a thank you, you can also enter to win a $100 Target gift card, to push your savings even higher! Check it out!

Dropprice $100 Target Gift Card

Welcome to the Dropprice $100 Target Gift Card Giveaway!

Dropprice is an innovative startup that rewards moms for being social. Essentially, they empower moms to drop prices of kids & baby products with a click. The price continues dropping as more moms click “Drop the price”. Every week new promotions are launched and moms drop prices by sharing them on social media. See the chart below to understand the power moms have and how important it is to share with other moms.

Dropprice $100 Target Gift Card

In today’s promotion for the Baby Banana Brushes, it started out at $28.00 and for each mom that clicks, the price drops a bit. The price will continue to drop for each mom that participates.

Dropprice $100 Target Gift Card

You can choose to share on social media to get more moms to click “Drop the price”, or you can “Buy Now” at the current price. Keep in mind that when the price gets low, they usually sell out and you will no longer have the chance to buy that item. As an added bonus every item on Dropprice ships for free!

Do you want to give it a try? This is such a fun and exciting way for moms to save lots of money by collaborating with each other. If you would like to have a chance to win a $100 Target gift card, you can experience dropping the price by following the instructions below.

Giveaway: Win a $100 Target Gift Card

All you have to do is help moms drop the price of the Brushes and you will be entered to win a $100 Target gift card. Just click “Drop the price” on the entry form below for a chance to win. For even more entries, share it on your social media networks via the entry form — every time one of your friends also clicks to drop the price, you’ll automatically receive additional giveaway entries!

This giveaway ends on 4/4/2017; you must be a US Resident and be 18 years or older to enter. Winners are randomly selected and contacted via email; the winners will be listed at the top of the entry form when the giveaway ends.

Click here if you don’t see the entry form below.

Terms & Conditions | Powered by Dropprice





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