Welcome to the book tour for Paint Me Fearless by Hallie Lee! Today you’re going to get to know more about the book and her as a writer. She’s also a screenwriter! Be sure to follow the tour and let her know what you think in the comments. You can even ask more questions if you have them! Best of luck in the giveaway!

But fate has other ideas, and as these two isolated girls are drawn together, a friendship born in high school evolves into a bond that promises to last a lifetime. Even as their paths diverge, and they clumsily marry and plow through raising families of their own, they remain true.
Even as they nurse their respective bruises, and carry their traumas from childhood into their own marriages, they always have each other’s backs. Even when a sordid secret from their past emerges to threaten their families, together…they remain a force to be reckoned with.
Until years later, when they’re enjoying the prime of their lives, a stunning rumor surfaces that threatens their lifelong connection. The allegation suggests that one has betrayed the other.
Truth? Lie? Does it matter? Sometimes just the hint of betrayal is enough to ruin a lifelong bond.
As their worlds collide, and old insecurities rise to the forefront, the layers of Desi and Robin’s legendary friendship begin to unravel.
Just when it seems they’ve lost everything, the truth brings them full circle…and in their brokenness they come to realize that there is only one true way to fill the emptiness inside, to quiet the lies…and to ultimately become…fearless.
“Lee’s prose is fluid and full of personality.” –Kirkus Reviews
“A standout novel for contemporary women from all walks of life.” –Readers’ Favorite
“Novelist explores themes of faith and lies; betrayal and redemption; and the unfathomable value of friendship when everything falls apart.” –Wordcrafts Press
1.) What was the inspiration behind this book? The theme of Paint Me Fearless is as old as time. It’s about our need for acceptance. Our yearning for approval. Why do we fall short? Why aren’t we enough?
My idea was to take two women who are both caught in patterns of self-condemnation and to explore their respective journeys. Not only are they from vastly different backgrounds, but they also have different coping strategies. Their crutches range from taking diet pills to enabling those they love. When they meet, they hate each other at first sight. So naturally, they’re destined to be best friends. Ha! Will they get to the same place in the end? And if so, how will they respond when lies, rumors, and those dreaded insecurities pit them against one another?
2.) To which character did you most relate and why? Honestly, both. I related to Desi’s sketchy family dynamics, and I related to Robin’s feelings of not being enough. I also related to other characters in the book like the town low-life, Wolfheart, who was caught in a cyclic pattern of destruction.
3.) This is the first book in a new series. What do we have to look forward to as this series evolves?
The Shady Gully Series continues on October 6, 2021, with Wolfheart.
Yes, he has his own book. He was a mere side character in Paint Me Fearless, but he evolved so much he insisted on his own book.
Here’s a little teaser:
The much-anticipated second book in The Shady Gully Series picks up five years after Paint Me Fearless, Hallie Lee’s Best Selling Contemporary Christian Fiction novel. Book Two opens with a secret burial in the night…..Amid a blinding, hellacious storm, a man digs a grave. He’s covered in blood, and he appears culpable. Guilty even. He also looks heartbroken…
4.) You’re also a screenwriter. How does that compare to novel writing and which do you like better? Fantastic question! Screenwriting is a whole different beast. You’re basically describing the action, that’s all, as you can’t explain what’s going on inside a character’s head. You can “show” it by describing him as slumping, or wiping a tear, but that’s it. I loved writing screenplays, but honestly, I enjoy writing novels more. I reckon I want to spend more time in my characters’ heads. LOL
5.) Would you ever convert this book to a screenplay? Another fantastic question. Honestly, I’ve already written the screenplay in my head, so sure, why not? In fact, in between the Shady Gully Series books, I plan to convert one of my most successful screenplays into a standalone novel. Shhhhh. Don’t tell anybody. Nobody knows that yet. LOL.
6.) What is something readers may be surprised to learn about you? I recently discovered that I LOVE making book trailers! I suppose it’s a combination of my love of writing screenplays, and telling stories in novel form. But after I made this one for Paint Me Fearless, I can’t wait to do one for Wolfheart. Stay tuned for that! And …. Check out the one for Paint Me Fearless. Here are two links that should get your there. If they don’t, let me know.
About the Author

Born and raised in Louisiana, most of Hallie Lee’s screenplays and novels are set in the south. Inspired by a landscape rich with cantankerous, salt of the earth folks, Hallie’s characters tend to be dramatic, but kind, and quirky, but smarter than they appear.
A move to the creative community of Santa Fe, New Mexico in 2005 gave her the opportunity to take up screenwriting. As her screenplays were recognized with awards and placements in various contests, she had the opportunity to learn from award winning talents like Kirk Ellis (The John Adams miniseries) and Ronnie Clemmer (A League of Their Own).
But alas, her heart is southern, and when she and her family made another move to Kentucky, it renewed her passion for writing novels. And southern story telling.
Paint Me Fearless is the first in The Shady Gully Series, a series which promises thought provoking, relatable journeys whose cast of characters tend to be ornery, but loveable.
It’s women’s literature. It’s book club fiction. It’s faith based. It’s Hallie Lee.

Tour Giveaway

Two audiobooks of Paint Me Fearless by Hallie Lee (US)
Two audiobooks of Paint Me Fearless by Hallie Lee (UK)
Ends October 6, 2021

Thank you for the lovely presentation! I SO enjoyed your interview questions and I hope you love the book. Please check it out, everyone, because the second book in the Shady Gully Series debuts next Wednesday!